April Teaching Preview: Your Entrepreneurial Mindset… Risks & Opportunities

Christian Business Fellowship Entrepreneurial Mindset Elgin

Preview A New Teaching Video Coming To A Christian Business Fellowship Near You! Let’s explore our entrepreneurial mindset with Coach Karl. He’ll help identify our risk factors and provide opportunities to address them! In this month’s Christian Business Fellowship teaching, we’ll be answering some very important questions about how your mindset propels you forward. Consider…

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March Teaching Preview: Vision To Impact

Christian Business Fellowship Chicago Meeting

Preview A New Series Coming To A Christian Business Fellowship Near You! Working today is far more personal than in the past! To have life-long IMPACT you MUST BUILD PEOPLE and keep your vision fresh and alive. In this month’s Christian Business Fellowship teaching, we’ll be answering some very important questions about leading your business…

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February Teaching: Building Your Team

Christian Business Fellowship February Teaching Building Team

Preview A New Series Coming To A Christian Business Fellowship Near You! If you are going to build your business, remember this one thing! Your job is to build people. It is that simple. As a boss, your job should be to serve and lead the people on your team. In this month’s Christian Business…

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Free Membership Offer: Revenue Roadmap Bonus

Christian Business Fellowship Free Membership Offer- Revenue Roadmap Bonus

Do you have a strategy for your revenue? Most businesses don’t! Understanding this one thing will help you grow your sales, speak more clearly to your prospects, and move forward confidently into the 2023 year. At Christian Business Fellowship, we’re dedicated to helping your business succeed! So, when you join your local Christian Business Fellowship…

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Coming This January: Starting A New Business

Christian Business Fellowship Getting Started With A New Business

Preview A New Series Coming To A Christian Business Fellowship Near You! The one thing to recognize when starting a new business is that you are not going to know it all. You won’t be all knowing. You’ll never have it perfect. It is always changing! In this month’s video, we’ll be learning about starting…

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Coming This Fall: What Is Your Calling?

Christian Business Fellowship Calling

Preview A New Series Coming To A Christian Business Fellowship Near You! This 3-session course leverages biblical principles and best business practices to ensure that you are experiencing an accelerated and sustainable journey in your work. Can’t wait? View the series resources here for the What Is Your Calling? series.

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Letting God Love It Away

You may not be getting enough love Addressing the symptom, but not the problem I have the wonderful privilege of being a part of a men’s Bible Study every Friday morning. We study together, we laugh and cry together, and we are always praying for each other. This last Friday when each of us were…

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