CBF Impact is a tight-knit group of seasoned entrepreneurs who have had a track record of success in growing their businesses over a sustained period of time. Together, we are exploring what it means to build a business with an eternal perspective: For Him, From Him, and Through Him. We believe in growing our businesses to grow the impact of the kingdom. Membership is by invite only and can be explored by clicking the button below.
Monthly half-day CEO roundtables
Fellowship with like-minded business owners
Wise counsel from seasoned business veterans
Christ-focused business strategy & advice
Trusted community with prayer and accountability
World-class business teaching that will have an immediate impact

Did you know that a typical business owner will have influence over 10,000 people in the course of their business? The business world is our mission field and we strive to grow our businesses to glorify God and grow His kingdom.

The Bible says there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors. CBF Impact provides you with the wisdom that will help you avoid pitfalls in business while providing you with an invaluable community who helps you process business issues with Christ focused lens.

Minimum of 10 full-time employees or $2 million in revenue
Demonstrable desire to run your company under God’s authority
A willingness to be transparent within a trusted group of advisers
Willing to block a recurring half a day each month to attend the on-site with your impact group