
Bible Based Business


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CBF’s teaching curriculum is created and delivered by business leaders whose real-life experience has proven each teaching session effective and successful. All of our teaching sessions are relevant to growth businesses at every stage – from early-stage survival mode to accelerated growth to full maturity. Topics include Leadership, Management, Growth Strategy, Go-To-Market Strategy, Sales, Marketing, Organizational Development, Culture, Operations, Cash Flow, Human Resources, Legal, and other aspects of business ownership or business leadership in a P&L-responsible corporate position.

Each session is delivered in high quality video with an accompanying worksheet – more of a workshop than a lecture. CBF members have access to the entire library of teaching sessions, with new sessions by dynamic teachers debuted at local chapter meetings and added to the library every month.


Below is a list of teaching sessions that we have provided at our monthly chapter meetings.


Topic: Foundation of Selling – Part I
Teacher: Earl Seals, Co-Founder/President, N2 Publishing & Founder, CBF
Run time: 37:14
Summary: If you are going to build a business you need to have the ability to meet potential clients.  With everyone grabbing for the same clients, at times it seems almost impossible to get in front of the right person that makes the decision. Watch as we learn how to build an effective phone approach that will get you the right opportunities to acquire new clients consistently.

Topic: Foundation of Selling – Part II
Teacher: Earl Seals, Co-Founder/President, N2 Publishing & Founder, CBF
Run time: 38:12
Summary: Your business is most likely dependent on the ability of a person to acquire customers or clients. To close a sale you must be able to successfully demonstrate the connection between the compelling problems in your industry and your ability to solve those problems. Watch this teaching to understand the process of building an effective sales presentation that will help move your business forward.

Topic: Wise As Serpents – Outwitting Your Competition
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 39:28
Summary: To be good at selling, you have to play on both the offensive end of the court AND on the defensive end of the court. We often ignore our responsibility to play hard defensively to engage and defeat the competition. Many Christians feel uncomfortable with this side of doing business, but Christ puts it into a balanced perspective this way: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Being only “innocent as doves” is not enough for Christ and it is not enough in selling and building a business. Both are necessary to be God honoring and successful. So, learn how to accept your God-given and fiduciary responsibility to assist your competition in losing. In this teaching, you will learn how to be “wise as serpents.”  Can you handle that?

Topic: Building and Sustaining a Healthy Pipeline
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 28:59
Summary: Every business is dependent on having a “Healthy Pipeline” without which, the business is in the early stages of being in danger of failure. This session deals with the discipline and steps for ensuring that your business always has a pipeline that can ensure both your cash-flow and support your growth objectives. It will focus on how you can create and sustain a revenue funnel.

Topic: Sales Psychology
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 40:11
Summary: There’s a reason most entrepreneurs struggle with the concept and process of sales. In tomorrow’s CBF session, we’ll evaluate the roadblocks that keep us from pursuing sales as well as the framework for a selling psychology you can apply in your business.

Topic: Qualifying Leads – How to achieve decisive Sales Focus through a Sales Qualification Process
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 33:47
Summary: No company can afford to make bad decisions on sales resource allocations and still stay solvent. Given limited time and limited money, the difference between survival and premature death of a company often comes down to one’s ability to focus on the good opportunities and having a disciplined process that sorts out the poor ones. But how do you know early and accurately? 

Topic: Creating a Closing Environment
Teacher: Earl Seals, Co-Founder/President, N2 Publishing & Founder, CBF
Run time: 43:23
Summary: Have you ever got to the end of meeting with a client and everything seems perfect to close the sale and then they give you some crazy objection?  You walk away confused and without the sale.  Why did that happen? In this session, we will be covering how understanding the invisible cues you are giving could help you significantly in relationships and in business.


Topic: Go to Market Strategy
Teachers: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 32:29
Summary: In Proverbs 3 the Bible talks about the importance of having a “Straight Path.” It is equally true in business as it is in life, because business is life. This session is specifically designed to straighten out crocked business paths for efficient and effective growth. Let’s build your business together by removing some impeding “kinks” on your business path.

Topic: Harnessing the Power of a Win Theme
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 27:32
Summary: Did you keep up with the 2016 presidential campaign? If you did, you saw one of the world’s greatest sales cycles unfolding on a daily basis in the media. There are a lot of principles at play. In this session, we’ll talk about what those principles are. From then on, you should be equipped to predict outcomes of a campaign based upon proven sales principles at play. Do you have a Win Theme in your business and sales campaigns? You will leave this session with an understanding of how to Distinguish, Define, and Dialogue to optimize your success.

Topic: Breakthrough Marketing Part 1
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 28:37
Summary: Could your business use a boost in the number and quality of leads coming in each month? If so, watch this session and discover the foundational steps to building a lead generation engine that keeps on giving.

Topic: Breakthrough Marketing Part 2
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 29:54
Summary: Great lead generation begins with the foundation we laid in the session of Breakthrough Marketing Part 1. In this session we move our focus to the thought process we must go through when building a lead generation plan. This methodology is simple, but highly effective for startups, small and mid-sized companies.

Topic: Digital Marketing From the CEO’s seat
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 31:03
Summary: Whether you’re selling B2B or B2C, today you have to design and deploy strategy to reach people using digital medium. But which digital strategies are best for your business? Should you do everything your competition is doing? What about the in-house vs. outsource argument? These and many more practical questions will be answered as you audit and refine your 2016 digital marketing strategy tomorrow at CBF.


Topic: Partners – Right Selection, Right Communication, Right Recovery
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 27:51
Summary: Having a partnership will accelerate your growth if it’s the right partnership. Not having a partnership at all will assign yourself to a slower growth. So question number 1 is do you want a partner – are you ready for that? Then question number 2 is, how do you select the right partner? In this session we’ll walk through the 3 criteria for selecting a partnership – any one of which can get you into trouble. After you select a partner, what do you do when you partnership goes south, to reverse it and restore it back to a healthy, vibrant relationship? For those of you thinking you don’t need a partner and this session isn’t for you, think again. You may be surprised what scripture says about it.

Topic: Building a High Growth Team
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 34:45
Summary: There is an epidemic in small business today. Business owners are surrounded by C and D talent – with mounting pressure from customers, competition and shareholders to boost productivity and results. In this session we’ll look at what allows C and D talent in the door and how to build a business that attracts A talent.

Topic: Building Organizational Culture Part I
Teacher: Earl Seals, Co-Founder/President, N2 Publishing & Founder, CBF
Run time: 28:45
Summary: What is your organizational culture? Do your people act, think and respond in a way that your excited about? Culture is invisible, but it is there. In reality, culture happens by accident, or it is directed with intention. In this session, we will be identifying what culture is and how to create one you desire with your staff.

Topic: Building Organizational Culture Part II
Teacher: Earl Seals, Co-Founder/President, N2 Publishing & Founder, CBF
Run time: 32:12
Summary: It’s evident that we all have different talents and abilities. Being purposeful with them is key. It will help direct the course of your organizational culture. For you and I who are in business, this is our calling and it’s our responsibility to not only be purposeful, but to become excellent at it. We want to be able to lay it all at His feet hearing Him say, “’Well done good and faithful servant.’” To wrap up our talk on Building Organizational Culture, we’ll talk about leadership, promotion, rewards and most importantly, focus.

Topic: Managers & Leaders
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 34:12
Summary: God had endowed each of us with different “gifts”. Each of us has a “bent” into one of two different directions: Leadership or Management. Both of these has its own consequences, impacting our businesses in a very BIG way. This session will clear the air around the confusion over these two very different qualities and each participant will be tested to know into which attribute camp your DNA is guiding you into by your individual genetic blueprint. Ignoring this can have a devastating bearing on the health of your company. Knowing your giftedness can enable you to work with God to manage your business into a healthy and thriving manner and with the added benefit of making your work both enjoyable and rewarding.

Topic: Where Business Leaders Go Wrong
Teacher: LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 29:33
Summary: More than you may think, all of us as business leaders have many things in common. And one of those things is that we all face some very common temptations that can severely limit the success of our business. Do you know what they are? And more importantly, are you currently committing these mistakes? Watch this session to find out. Warning: Have some aspirin readily available, it may make your head hurt!

Topic: Breakthrough Strategy Begins Here: Part 1
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 35:35
Summary: When you study the most impact-creating business owners – especially those who claim to be Christ followers, there is a common theme…They build and deploy strategy differently. They factor in some very important questions before they build strategy. In this session we’ll look at just a few of those questions as we prepare to design and deploy strategy for our businesses.

Topic: Breakthrough Strategy Begins Here: Part 2
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF & LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 34:58
Summary: Last month we discovered why a keen understanding of one’s self (leadership style, operating style, personality) is a critical first step to building great strategy. With that discussion behind us, we can now study several key frameworks on which to build great strategy. In this month’s session we’ll use a CBF Diagnostic Tool to find areas of our business in need of strategic retooling – and identify the ideal framework to plug into that gap.

Topic: Building Your Revenue Engine
Teacher: Joe Abraham, Author of Entrepreneurial DNA & Operating Partner at Lifezone 360 & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF & LaVon Koerner, President/CRO, Revenue Storm & Director of Business Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 36:27
Summary: When you’ve selected your Go-to-Market Strategy you’ve laid the foundation for your Revenue Engine. Now it’s time to install your engine’s drive shaft called your Revenue Generation Process. It involves all of your company’s touch points with your prospective customer. It contains everything you need to do with the prospective prospect that will connect them to your solution for their problem. Some would call it a Sales process, but it involves more than sales, it involves Marketing. It is possible to over-sell and under-market, and it is also possible to over-market and under-sell. Getting this balance right produces Speed to Revenue. Let’s build your Revenue Generation Process together in this CBF session.


Topic: Keeping Faith
Teacher: Bruce Strom, President/CEO, Gospel Justice Initiative & General Counsel, CBF
Run time: 30:57
Summary: We’ve all read the headlines, “Christian Baker fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding,” “Kim Davis goes to jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a gay couple,” and on and on. Given these new legal sensitivities, what do we need to know and do to protect ourselves and our business while honoring our faith and being obedient to God’s word? In this session, Bruce Strom, a Christian lawyer who has argued in front of the Supreme Court, leads us through these new perilous waters where we could find ourselves in legal trouble.


Topic: Eliminating the Idol of Emotional Cash Flow
Teacher: Joseph D’Alessandro, Founder/CEO, SHS & Executive Director, CBF
Run time: 35:43
Summary: Cash Flow – the lifeblood of every business. We can’t operate without it. But has lack of cash or fear of running out of cash ever caused changes in you? Rash decisions? Mood swings? Emotional changes? This teaching includes a practical tool to forecast your cash flow – a programmed excel spreadsheet, as well as some insight from God’s Word that will help you discern whether “emotional cash flow” is an idol in your life.


Topic: Conflict in the Workplace (Resolving Conflict)
Teacher: Dr. Renee McMurry-Gilman, Founder/Owner, AcuCare Total Health & Director of Orientation and Spiritual Curriculum, CBF
Run time: 30:38
Summary: Have you ever lost business due to a conflict?  Conflict cost when handled poorly. In this we’ll lean how to turn conflict into profits.