The Power of Mentorship

I grew up watching my Mother bake delicious pies. She made the task look effortless. My Mother had perfected her craft with years of experience. She was an expert.

One day, while my Mom was making one of her delicious pies, I attempted to make one of my own. She watched me struggle and didn’t rescue me when the dough stuck to the rolling pin. When I was ready to give up, she allowed me to feel with my fingers what her crust felt like. With her help, I was able to go on and make my pie (certainly not as good as hers). Without realizing it, I was experiencing the power of mentorship.

Like many of you, I have had to continually adapt to the ever-changing and impersonal digital age. While I continue to adjust (sometimes reluctantly), I am glad to have known the world without cell phones and laptops. That is because I have had the privilege of learning my greatest lessons from people.

This year will mark my twentieth year as a business owner. Looking back, it was the example and counsel of seasoned professionals that taught me to make decisions quickly, negotiate effectively, and treat clients respectfully. Through their guidance, I am learning to submit to authority and to say “I was wrong” or “I’m sorry.” None of these vital lessons were learned by a computer; and I would have failed in business if I thought I just needed more information to be successful.

What I needed were mentors. I needed real people to share with me their invaluable life and business experience. Without these relationships, I would not have known the value of communication, experience, and shear grit. It would have been like trying to bake without having the joy of being influenced and inspired by an expert in her craft.

When I was young in business ownership, I was naive and lacked experience. I didn’t understand the value of mentorship or who would become my Greatest Mentor. I thought that I just needed to be smart and gain more information. Instead, I needed a Person and His name was Jesus Christ. In the weariness of small business ownership, I cried out to Him. I asked Him to come into my life and be Lord, which included surrendering to Him the business He had entrusted to me. That’s when things started to change – for the better.

Today, Christ mentors me daily through His Word. The Bible is the highest authority in my life; His Word guides me in my decisions; comforts me in my loneliness; confirms my identity; and assures me of His promises that are faithful and true.

The next time you are tempted to seek more information for your business issue, first seek Jesus Christ and let Him mentor you. He promises never to leave you nor forsake you. He is a faithful mentor.

May the love of Christ dwell in you richly as you seek Him.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”Revelations 3:20 ESV

“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 ESV