The Power of Conviction
If you are a Christian Business Leader you should know the name Samuel Truett Cathy. His life has inspired mine and others for years. I think of him as a lighthouse for the Christian Business Leader.
Mr. Cathy founded Chick-fil-A in 1967 and built his business based on biblical principles. With no college education, Mr. Cathy was a self-made billionaire and built the second largest chicken fast-food chain in the world. On September 8, 2014 Mr. Cathy died at the age of 93.
What is it about Chick-fil-A that is different? Is it the excellent customer service? Is it that they take the Sabbath seriously and close on Sundays? Or, is it their Corporate Purpose: “To glorify God by being a faithful steward to all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”
I want to suggest that it is all of these. It began with a man who found favor with God through the choices he made and the convictions that he kept. It started with a man sold-out to his core beliefs. Cathy demonstrated staying power to the Gospel and God’s Word.
According to the Christian Examiner, at one of Cathy’s restaurant openings he stated, “There’s really no difference between biblical principles and business principles. The Bible, which is a road map, tells a lot about how to operate a restaurant.”
I want to be like this man. He inspires me. His life carries on into my business. When decisions get hard I am reminded of Mr. Cathy, a faithful servant of God who did not compromise or water down biblical truths.
May we all take a lesson from Mr. Cathy. Truly, he was a man who took John 14:21 seriously, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”