How to become a Courageous Business Leader

Let’s start with the obvious; you cannot be a stand-out successful Business leader without being a Courageous Business Leader. Leading of any type involves courage and leading in a growing and vibrant business requires an unusual dose of courage. Without courage you will slowly drift into bland mediocrity inflicted with the curse of being just…

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The Power of Mentorship

I grew up watching my Mother bake delicious pies. She made the task look effortless. My Mother had perfected her craft with years of experience. She was an expert. One day, while my Mom was making one of her delicious pies, I attempted to make one of my own. She watched me struggle and didn’t…

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Introverted vs Extroverted Business Leaders

I am an introvert. Introversion does not mean that I cannot function well in a people oriented profession; however, I have had to learn how to manage my introversion with myself and in business. My career as a speaker places me in front of people with the responsibility of leading others regularly. I have had…

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Keeping things Honest in 2015

If you ever think that God is not into details, think again! Leviticus 19:35-37, NKJV ‘You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume. You shall have honest scales, honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the…

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This Christmas, Give Hope

We all need hope. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” When hope is lost, so is the reason to live productively and fully. Victor Hugo in Les Miserables states, “The word which God has written on the brow of every man is hope.” Have you…

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Decisive Leadership Divides

Tony Blair, the past prime minister of the United Kingdom said, “That when you realize that every decision divides, it really helps. It is just part of life. When you turn to the right, there will be some who want you to go to the left, and vice versa. It is the nature of making…

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Why Do You Do What You Do?

The foundational question that God wants you to consider is this: why do you do it? Why are you busting your butt to build your business? You don’t have to be a Business Leader; you could just be a contented employee putting in your hours and going home to relax. You don’t have to shoulder…

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The Power of Conviction

If you are a Christian Business Leader you should know the name Samuel Truett Cathy. His life has inspired mine and others for years. I think of him as a lighthouse for the Christian Business Leader. Mr. Cathy founded Chick-fil-A in 1967 and built his business based on biblical principles. With no college education, Mr.…

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